Texas doctor demands “retribution” after Kashmir Files film

“Retribution,” declared Rajiv Pandit, a doctor based in Dallas, TX, in response to a call to “pay… back 100 fold, in their own coin,” those allegedly responsible for the 1990 Kashmir Pandit Exodus portrayed in the recent film, “Kashmir Files.”
The call was issued by an anonymous (and newly created) account with the handle “Right-Wing Alpha” in response to Dr Pandit’s original question: “What was the most powerful emotion you felt immediately after watching Vivek Agnihotri’s ‘The Kashmir Files’?” With his declaration of “retribution,” accompanied by a thumbs-up, Dr Pandit seemed to be endorsing Right-Wing Alpha’s sentiments — whatever they might be — wholeheartedly. To many on social media, the call appeared to be an incitement to violence.